The Reading Pen 2 by Wizcom is an assistive technology device that helps people with reading handicaps, learning disablilites, or people who have trouble paying attention when they are reading. It is a device that will allow people to hear the words instead of having to read them. The device has a webpage that can be located at http://enablemart.com/Welcome/ReadingPen-2. The pen will read the words and give definitions or pronounce a word that may be difficult for someone with a disability to pronounce. Until the first Reading Pen, the Reading Pen 2 comes equipped with two different styles: the basic style and the advanced edition. The pen is extremely lightweight and is very easy to fit inside of a back pack or a purse for easy access to the device. The device is easy to use as well. Once you turn the pen on, you take the pen and run it over the word or sentence that you wish to hear. The pen will scan this sentence or word and it will read it for you and put the word or sentence into words that one can hear. It gives quick, up to date definition and translations for many words. The device has a built in 80 word memory system so that it is easy to review for tests and acquire personal knowledge, because all one will have to do is push a button and the pen remembers what you have already scanned. I have a friend that once had a Reading Pen and it was fascinating to watch and listen to. He had a learning disability to where it was difficult for him to retain knowledge if he just read it, and he didn't have the capacity to pay attention for a long period of time. With the Reading Pen, he was able to just listen the words and follow along hearing them and being able to fully comprehend and remember much of what he was hearing. It is a fascinating invention, and the price is a fair price for the technology that you are getting and the trouble it can save you.
Video of the Reading Pen
Video of the Reading Pen
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